Before you spew all of that Diet Coke that you just took a sip of, I am not married. I had a dream last night that I was getting married.
I suppose this is what I get for looking at wedding ideas on Pinterest at 1:30 am, but I'm sure it won't stop me from drooling over dresses and adorable picture ideas. I don't even have a boyfriend yet!
Anyway, I had two insane dreams last night. The first one involved me, Kristy, and several of my friends jumping in a boat that was strapped on top of a Jeep that was driving into a lake. We all survived, and the only thing I could save from the bag of my belongings was my phone and Bible. All of my makeup, homework, my iPad, and shoes were in the boat that sunk. I know that I lost my shoes because another part of my dream was me walking in Starbucks with no shoes on and then sitting in bleachers drinking my drink with a bunch of random people. We had a conversation about first impressions and they all admitted that they thought I was crazy. There was some other part of my dream where I worked at some kind of hair salon and my boss was this weird guy and I sneaked out and had to kick snow at floor boards and critique guys who were behind the wall kicking the snow back.
I'm telling you, it was INSANE.
All of that must have been solved somehow because the next thing I remember about my dream is being at my church. No one was in the back room with me and I don't even remember what my dress looked like. I heard clapping, and quickly ran out to peak into the sanctuary and see what was happening. There was my groom (embarrassingly enough, I recognized him. He was an old friend from youth group FOREVER ago who is already married, haha!) and this whole slew of people standing at the front. Then, in the congregation were literally 10 people. The people standing at the front were random people from my life: mom's at the dance studio and their children, people that had come and gone at the church. They were all there to fill in for my bridal party because my groom had so many friends in his. There wasn't anyone there to help me with my makeup (which I magically had even though it had fallen into the lake), and my hair was this knotted sloppy wet mess (I guess from the lake?). I thought in my dream, "Maybe if I pull it up in a low bun, and throw some make up on it'll be fine." I could hear noises so I ran out again and even came all the way out to the front of the sanctuary and no one was at the front. There was just the congregation, and they were all looking at me like I was so beautiful and everything was so perfect, but it WASN'T. I was devastated. Where were my friends? And that is NOT the man I wanted to marry. I couldn't find my mom, my sister, my best friends, my cousins, or even my Grandma. None of them were there. I came back to the back room and plopped in front of the mirror, trying to put my make up on, but all I kept thinking about was how my wedding day was supposed to be one of the best days of my life, but no one was there. There weren't any cute "reveal" pictures and none of my friends were there. Had I really been that excited and made such a big deal about my wedding my whole life, and this is what it came to? No one there to help me get ready, and barely anyone there to watch me give my life to someone?
Needless to say, I woke up RELIEVED to not find a man in my bed and no ring on my finger.
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